What’s the Typical Lifespan of an Office Printer?

On a daily basis, you might not think too much about the bulky printer sitting in the corner of your office. However, the second it goes on the fritz, you’ll definitely take notice.

This is an essential piece of office equipment. You use it for everything from printing mailing labels to creating formal reports. It’s also a hefty investment, with many models costing tens of thousands of dollars.

When you purchase a new office printer, you want it to last as long as possible! Yet, are your expectations realistic? Today, we’re sharing how long you can expect yours to work, and how to extend that timeframe.

Measuring the Lifespan of Your Office Printer

There are many different factors that affect the typical printer life of an industrial copy machine. In general, most manufacturers guarantee that theirs will work for around seven years.

However, this isn’t true for all makes and models. It can even vary from machine to machine, even if they’re the exact same type. That’s because the lifespan for this particular piece of office tech isn’t measured solely by time.

Rather, it’s measured by the number of clicks per month a machine can perform. In the case of an office printer, that means the number of individual pages it can print or copy. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all number that you can count on, so let’s take a look at the important factors to consider.

The Size of the Machine

First, let’s talk about the size of your new printer. Typically, larger and more robust machines will last for a longer amount of time. That’s because it can successfully process a greater number of clicks per day.

You can think of it like a car. If your vehicle has a strong and powerful engine, it won’t conk out as easily as a jalopy filled with refurbished parts. When assessing your printer, think realistically about the amount of work that it’s capable of achieving on a regular basis.

Even if your machine is modestly sized, you can help it last longer by being gentle with it. Don’t force it to complete an exorbitant amount of work or perform multiple jobs back-to-back. Allow it to rest in between jobs and don’t overexert it.

Doing so can heap excessive wear and tear onto an already-compromised machine. By setting realistic expectations, you can avoid stressing your printer to the point of a breakdown. Some companies may even find that it’s more cost-effective in the long run to purchase two smaller-sized printers that they can use more frequently, rather than one large machine that’s required to do all the work.

Your Printer Maintenance Schedule

Like all types of office tech, your printer requires routine maintenance and upkeep. In addition to troubleshooting and repairs, you should also establish a weekly and monthly cleaning schedule to keep it in great shape.

This is a relatively quick and easy process, as long as you know the right steps to follow. This simple guide walks you through how to clean your printer heads in a step-by-step format.

Thankfully, you don’t have to take it upon yourself to check your printer for signs of distress. Most modern machines are equipped with automatic smart sensors that will give a signal when something’s wrong. While some issues (like a paper jam) are obvious, others will be more internal and difficult to detect, so this is a helpful feature to use.

If you’re diligent about keeping your printer clean, disinfected, and well-maintained, then you may be able to get more than the typical seven years out of the machine.

Using OEM Parts

Another way to extend the typical printer life is to only purchase new replacement parts from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). While there’s a massive market for refurbished components, keep in mind that they may not fit your machine precisely.

They could also be compromised, which could harm your printer in the long run. You need parts that your manufacturer has directly approved and recommended for your specific model number. Trying to retrofit any other piece could cause issues down the road.

Keeping Toner Levels Full

It’s easy to assume that your printer is on the brink of failure when your pages start to look faded and pixelated. However, before you rush out and purchase a new machine, take the time to check your ink or toner levels.

Ink cartridges contain liquid ink, and you’ll find them in smaller inkjet printers. Today, most corporate offices use laser printers because they are bigger and capable of handling larger volumes of work. These printers use toner instead of ink.

Toner is a very fine powder that works in a similar way, producing colors, lines, and images on your page. If your toner levels look low, it’s important to purchase new toner immediately. For best results, buy from a reliable source such as https://premiumtoners.com/.

By keeping an eye on these levels and making sure they don’t dip too low, you can help preserve the inner parts of your printer. When you try to print a large number of files with very little ink or toner, it puts too much strain on the machine. Your printer should display a notification when it’s time to refill.

Help Your Office Printer Last

Your company should have an equipment budget so you can make new purchases as required. However, you don’t want to drain this account by buying an office printer that only lasts for a few years.

Purchase one that’s big enough to handle your in-office needs. Then, establish a maintenance schedule to address any issues before they arise. Finally, check it for ink or toner and replace those components immediately if they’re running low.

With these steps, you can help your printer last beyond the seven-year timeframe! Looking for more ways to optimize your workplace? Check out our Business section!


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