15 Facts Of Enterprise Mobile App Development You Must Know

An enterprise mobile app can revolutionize your business operations and enable your employees to access their workspace data on their smartphone from any location. 

An Enterprise mobility solution provides a comprehensive mobile platform, which helps any business entity to operate seamlessly. 

Such apps are component-based and use very sophisticated and complex technologies that can be easily scaled.

Enterprise app development has created a radical change in how businesses are conducted. It has not only improved the efficiency of the employees but has also increased their productivity significantly. 


Therefore, many medium and large-scale businesses have invested their precious time and money to create highly customisable enterprise mobile apps for their employees as well as their customers. 

Enterprise mobile app has introduced a new concept – BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), wherein the employees can access the data of their company through a secured network. 

This allows employees to have a highly personalized mobile experience.

In this blog, we will like to share with you some of the important facts that an enterprise app development company should keep in mind when designing an enterprise app.

15 Facts Of Enterprise Mobile App Development

1). You must spell out your needs: 

To build an enterprise app, the app development company must understand your needs clearly. 

You have to spell out why you need the enterprise application and what kind of benefits you envisage your business will have through that app. 

You must ask the company who is going to build your enterprise app about how such an app could impact the overall performance of your company in the long term. 

Furthermore, you must tell the app developer about your pain points that you want the app to address.

2). Native or hybrid app: 

After you have spelt out your requirements that enterprise mobile apps should fulfil, the next point you must consider is whether you need a native or a hybrid mobile app. 

If your company is looking for a simpler app with easy-to-use functions that is light on resources, then a web app is your best bet. 

However, if you are looking for an app that will provide blazing fast performance with innumerable functionalities, then the native application is the right choice. 

One more advantage of having a native app is that it can run in off-line mode too. 

However, if you are looking for an app that would combine the inherent strength of both the native as well as a web app, then you can look at the hybrid app option.

3). But functionalities to choose: 

Once you have fixed your requirements, then the next step is to figure out the range of functionalities that the enterprise mobile app should have.

For an enterprise mobile app, simple user interface and smooth functionality are paramount. 

You should never forget that your employees for a smooth and flawless interaction with your company’s main database would use the app and interact with each other for better coordination and decision-making functions. 

Therefore, keep the UI simple.

4). The design of the enterprise mobile app: 

When you design the app you must keep in mind the need of the users. It is important to first figure out what kind of functions the app would perform that will give you an idea about the design of the app.

5). Get some feedback from the employees: 

As the main purpose of the app is to offer your employees greater accessibility to the companies database on their smartphones, it makes sense to ask for their suggestions while designing the app.

Your company can have a marketing team, HR, customer support and other departments who will be using this mobile app. 

The needs of these departments are different; therefore, you must ask for their pain points and then figure out how these could be addressed through the mobile app.

6). Provide multiple platforms support: 

When you are designing a mobile app for hundreds of your employees, then you must realize that they would be using different devices. 

Since all these devices may not run on the same OS, it makes sense that the enterprise application should also support multiple mobile operating systems.

7). You can plan for a cluster of apps: 

If your business has different verticals with distinctive operational needs, then instead of creating a single app, you can design different applications for each vertical. 

Furthermore, you can have a single app that would control the functionalities of all these apps. Such a plan would help you to address the unique needs of different departments of your business through different apps; otherwise, you have to put a large number of functionalities in a single app. 

Such a complex app would defeat the very purpose of a simple and intuitive app to help you in improving the operational efficiency of your business.

8). Security: 

An enterprise app gives the user access to classified information about your business as well as your customers. 

Therefore, you must be doubly sure that only authorized people can access the information. You must make your mobile apps safe with the latest customer data protection rights and standards. 

The app must have a permission feature so that only a few people can access certain information, which would go a great way in preventing leakage of sensitive information.

9). Use artificial intelligence: 

Artificial intelligence can help the employees to focus on their main task, as the basic task would be automated. 

This will make your employees more productive and they will be able to provide better services.

10). Make use of the device sensors: 

Nowadays, most smartphones are equipped with loads of sensors, including Bluetooth, GPS, camera, and accelerometer and so on. 

You should design your app in such a way that it can use the sensors to give the users a better experience.

11). Make the app customisable: 

Since the enterprise app that you want to create to specifically address the pain points of your employees and improve their productivity, you can make it customisable. 

Such a feature will help the users to get the optimum benefit from this app and improve their productivity.

12). Get inspiration from others: 

You can carefully study the enterprise mobile app of your competitors and learn the various strengths and weaknesses of their apps. 

This will help you a great deal in designing your enterprise mobile app that will offer better features and functionalities to your employees.

13). Develop iteratively: 

The best way to develop an enterprise mobile app is to do it progressively. You must obtain feedback from the users of the app and based on it you must add additional features to make it more conducive for the needs of your employees. 

In this way, you can ensure that the app is designed for the unique needs of your employees and it would help them optimize their productivity.

14). Minimize the app size: 

The enterprise mobile app should be smaller in size so that it does not take a huge amount of hard drive space on the user’s device. 

Therefore, include only core functionalities that are needed by the employees in their work.

15). Use adaptive design: 

As the enterprise mobile apps you are creating will be used by your employees on various devices, you must create an adaptive design. 

Such a design would help the app to adapt to the screen size of the users and give them an amazing experience.


The enterprise mobile application is a great tool that can fulfil a range of requirements of any business. Therefore, the app developer needs to focus on customer support, content management, payment processing, email marketing and so on. BYOD has helped tremendously in increasing the productivity of the employees and help them stay connected to their office space through their smartphone.


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