3 Types of Water Damage and How to Handle Them

Across the US, household water damage costs $20 billion every year. There are around 14,000 people who suffer from its effects every day. But just how dangerous is water damage in the home?

There are three types of water you should know about, each with different levels of danger. Read on as we give our essential guide to water damage in the home.

  1. Clean Water

Clean water does not pose a risk to humans or pets. It is from a clean source and not contaminated like other water types. It may come from broken water supplies, rain, or a broken appliance.

However, it can still cause damage. If the cause is not located and the area is not dried out, then mold may set in. When it is left for a long time, it can also turn into gray water.

A professional in water damage repair will come into the property and locate the root of the problem. After this, they will ensure the area is thoroughly dried.

  1. Gray Water

Gray water is a form of contaminated water, that could contain biological, chemical, or physical foreign elements. It is a risk to your health, though seldom life-threatening. When exposed to it or if you consume it you may find it causes some degree of sickness.

This contaminated water usually comes from an appliance failure. Washing machines, dishwashers, toilet water, and sump pump failures are the most common ones.

If you notice this water in the home, you need to call an expert. Once solved and the area becomes dry, a water damage repair expert will advise you on how to sanitize any objects affected.

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  1. Black Water

Black water is the most dangerous of the three types. It is polluted with harmful agents, bacteria, and fungi. Coming into contact with it and ingesting it can make you seriously ill.

Some of the possible side effects are skin rashes, infections, and sickness. This water can come from sewage, rising river and sea levels, and ground surface water. Even gray water that is left for too long can turn into black water.

You should never attempt to deal with black water yourself. As it is very unsanitary, the risk of cross-contamination is easy. You should have professional safety equipment to deal with it.

It also comes from a range of sources that are hard to fix. That is why it is important to get an expert. After this, you will need a water damage restoration service to advise you on the correct process of disinfection.

As well as being harmful, black water quickly attracts mold. Within 24 to 48 hours you may find mold begins to form. This brings its own problems and dangers, exasperating the situation.

Water Damage Repair

Now you know all about water damage, you can be prepared. Make sure you have a number on hand for assistance when it occurs. Act fast to prevent long-lasting damage.

This article is one of many informative pieces on our website. From dealing with damage to DIY, we can help maintain your property in the coming years.


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