Simple Kegel exercises for men have many health benefits. Starting from increasing physical function to orgasm intensity you can get from this exercise.
It is Kegel exercises that have been compatible with sports for women. The Kegel exercises for men. One of them is that it can help cure bladder control, especially for those who have recently had prostate health.
In fact, in many men, Kegel exercises can help treat erectile dysfunction & prevent premature ejaculation. Do not miss, routine Kegel exercises can also increase the intensity of your orgasm.
In general, Kegel exercises are exercises that are synonymous with women, but it turns out that the benefits of Kegel exercises can also be felt by men. Men’s Kegel exercises are a type of exercise that can be easily done because they are different from the exercises you might normally do.
You don’t need a gym instructor to guide you in every male Kegel exercise that you do.
How come men also do Kegel exercises?
Kegel exercises are often seen as only being done by women. But do you know that Kegel exercises can also be done by men with various benefits?
Kegel exercises are often referred to as pelvic floor muscle exercises. Kegel exercises are action by performing repeated contraction on the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle area.
This exercise is very good because it can strengthen muscles related to physical function, such as the PC muscle, which is located between the anus and scrotum.
There are so many benefits that are received after doing Kegel exercises. For example, such as Cenforce 150 helps to improve an erection.
How to do Kegel exercises: find your pelvic floor muscles.
Before doing Kegel exercises, men should already know the pelvic floor muscles correctly. For those who haven’t found it, you can try to find it by doing a few things.
The way to find the pelvic floor muscles is when urinating, try to stop or slow down the urine. The pelvic muscles used are your pelvic floor muscles.
Once the pelvic floor muscles are found, you can start Kegel exercises in any position according to your comfort. For beginners, it is advisable to use a lying position when doing Kegel exercises.
How to do Kegel exercises: perfect techniques
After you find the pelvic floor muscles, you should perfect your Kegel exercises to get maximum results. Perfecting the Kegel exercise technique can be done in the following ways.
Tighten your pelvic floor muscles by holding the contraction for three seconds. After 3 seconds, relax your pelvic floor muscles for another 3 seconds.
Do this repeatedly and in succession. When you feel that your muscles are getting stronger, try doing Kegel exercises in a sitting, standing, or walking position.
How to Kegel Exercise: Repeat Exercise
To get maximum results, you men can do Kegel exercises regularly, at least twice a day. You can do it in the morning & night.
In one Kegel exercise session, do 10-30 contractions, accompanied by a relaxation session. In each session, do it for 10 seconds consisting of 5 seconds of contraction and 5 seconds of relaxation.
Kegel Exercise Method: Focus
When doing Kegel exercises, men are always endeavored to focus. Don’t tense up the muscles in your legs, stomach, and buttocks.
All it takes for men is to lift all your pelvic floor muscles. It must be remembered. When doing Kegel exercises, you are required to keep breathing.
How come men also do Kegel exercises?
Kegel exercises are often seen as only being done by women. But do you know that Kegel exercises can also be done by men with various benefits that they will feel?
Kegel exercises are often referred to as pelvic floor muscle exercises. Kegel exercises are action by performing repeated contraction on the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle area.
This exercise is very good to do because it can strengthen muscles related to physical function.
There are so numerous benefits that are obtained after doing Kegel exercises. For example, such as helping supply blood to the area during an erection, helping to pump it during ejaculation, and being able to help empty the urethra after urinating.
In addition, Kegel exercises are also useful for improving male physical quality, increasing physical, helping orgasms to be more intense, and helping to overcome erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Continue to breathe while you are contracting the pelvic floor muscles. This is so that the muscles can be trained perfectly, which will speed up the muscles to become stronger.
To be able to see the results of doing Kegel exercises, you have to be patient because it takes a lot of time. In general, 3-4 months are needed to see results.
The results he feels are like an increase in erection resistance. In dealing with urinary incontinence, you can feel the results of Kegel exercises within 3-6 weeks.
In general, other benefits of Kegel exercises include:
Helps maintain muscle control for bowel movements.
Kegel exercises for men also tighten the pelvic floor muscles during physical intercourse. Vilitra to help manage delayed ejaculation.
Now you know the benefit of Kegel exercises for men that can be practiced at home. Doing Kegel exercises regularly is also a part of a sport that is very beneficial for your body. Not to forget, the benefits of male Kegel exercises also include a positive influence on the happiness of your intimate life with your partner.
Do you still hesitate to do Kegel exercises for the health and happiness of your intimate life with your partner? Come on, start doing Kegel exercises today and immediately feel the positive benefits of kegel exercise.
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